Monday, December 15, 2008


" Some people are settling, some people are settling down, and some people.. refuse to settle for anything less than butterflies. " ~Sex in the city
Butterflies. . . We all seem to be chasing them. We find them and in no time at all they are gone. Maybe we all need stronger nets?
I decided to do a little research on these sought after little creatures. I thought that there had to be some truth to the figurative idea of 'butterflies' to the real ones.
Fact:They are a very short lived little things. They live only one week and in some lucky cases to a year. At most. A year?! Thats it??
So, I have found myself asking, Are butterflies really what I should be searching for? And, How much importance should that warm and fuzzy, zippidy dooo daa, on top of the world singing from the rooftops, or, in Tom Cruises case, Oprah Winfrey's couch really hold?
I have had the Butterflies. I have experienced the 'love at first sight' feeling. The attraction so strong you could just pass right out on a bar floor full of peanuts because he actually spoke to you. And the stumble over your words, toe jam eating, awkward conversation because your words just won't come out right with your heart pit-pattering and skipping beats.
But, then.. the butterflies die. And their passing has sometimes been so devastating I feel as if I should hold a funeral service in their memory and cater a dinner with cold cuts and funeral potatoes to draw in my family and friends to join me in this pity-party. And after the butterflies croak your words won't come out right because you are to busy contemplating where you are going to bury his body. (kidding) kind of..
What I'm getting at is maybe, just maybe Myself, and many other women have it all wrong. Perhaps, maybe.. the butterflies don't mean forever. Maybe the attraction does fade away. And the passion and the fire eventually flicker out. .. and, it could be that the men on white horses serenading us into the sunset will really only benefit us in picking out outfits.
Maybe love is found in a comfy reliable dependable place. Where no makeup or cleavage is required.
All I know is.. Im retiring my butterfly net... And looking for someone to wear the other half of my BFF Heart necklace.


  1. I love love love you! Ok the rant on Rian's rant. Firstly, Butterflies are amazing creatures. Take the Monarch butterfly. That silly little bug flies crossed continents. And what's more amazing then bugs that can fly crossed the ocean? Those little bugs return to not only the same place but the same branch they hatched on to leave their eggs. But let's not make them anymore then they are... winged worms not worth grieving over. Well unless funeral potatoes are involved. Then I'm in! But the truth is, they do go away. Always will. I naively thought I'd find someone that I can fall head over heals for and stay that way forever. Because nothing that they ever did or could do would make me love them any less. But truth of the matter is, we are human, and as such, other humans annoy us. There will always be things to dissect them over. They will always drive us to throw phones against brick walls. Or fling mash potatoes. But it's not so bad having someone to help you pick out your outfit for work. Or to notice when you've dressed up a little. Or be there when you need a shoulder. So fuck bugs. I'm holding out for the BFF necklace too!

  2. I agree! I've always moved from relationship to relationship because that feeling fades away (for me the magic number is 3 months). Oh well I guess we just keep plugging along. It's probably a mix of both things you have to have that attraction, but then you need something more when that fades. I'll let you know if or when I ever figure it out!!!

  3. The butterflies should never go away.. they may not always be there.. but they should pop up at special times.. maybe when he comes home after a long trip, or he does something really sweet! Don't give up hope! The attraction should never fade! Dont hand in your butterfly net yet!!
